This is an opportunity to reflect on your satisfaction across different aspects of your life.

We are a skeleton crew and could use your support!

Consistent, nutritious meals fuel the body and stabilize mood, promoting overall health.

How much time do you typically spend?
For planning, groceries, cooking, cleaning, eating, etc.
Eating well-balanced meals regularly, with good nutritional variety.
Have a food plan, just need to organize a bit better.
Occasionally skipping meals or relying on fast food due to busy schedule.
Mostly eating out without a food routine, leading to nutritional imbalances.

Keeping a clean and organized home reduces stress and improves daily efficiency.

How much time do you typically spend?
For cleaning, upkeep, bills, maintenance, etc.
Living situation is stable and comfortable, with a healthy environment.
Minor issues with living situation that require attention but are not pressing.
Some discomfort or problems with living conditions, affecting daily life.
Significant issues with housing, such as instability, safety concerns, or inadequate facilities.

Regular interactions strengthen relationships, providing emotional stability and support.

How much time do you typically spend?
For time together, calls, care, errands, etc.
Strong and supportive relationships with family members.
Minor issues with schedules that are generally resolved quickly.
Occasional but notable tension or issues that need addressing.
Persistent conflict or estrangement affecting emotional well-being.

A structured work routine enhances productivity, satisfaction, and professional growth.

How much time do you typically spend?
For work, studies, future planning, networking, setting goals, etc.
Satisfied with job and hours; meeting career aspirations.
Some dissatisfaction or uncertainty, but generally positive about career direction.
Frequent stress or dissatisfaction at work, considering changes.
Significant unhappiness or instability in career, urgently needing change.

Consistent sleep patterns enhance mental clarity and physical health, boosting overall well-being.

How much time do you typically spend?
For getting ready to sleep, sleeping, making sure your bed is made, etc.
Consistently getting enough restful sleep.
Occasionally having trouble sleeping, but generally well-rested.
Regularly experiencing poor sleep, affecting daily performance.
Severe sleep issues, significantly impacting health and daily life.

Regular health routines, like hygiene, exercise and check-ups, prevent disease and promote longevity.

How much time do you typically spend?
For exercise, check ups, rest, hygiene, personal care, etc.
In good physical and mental health, with no significant issues.
Minor health issues that are manageable but need monitoring.
Ongoing health concerns that require regular attention and possibly medication.
Serious health problems that significantly affect life quality, needing immediate or intensive care.

Maintaining friendships offers crucial support and enriches life’s experiences.

How much time do you typically spend?
For play, shared activities, time together, calls, events, etc.
Have a supportive circle of friends, with regular contact.
Generally satisfied with social connections, though wish for more quality time.
Feeling somewhat isolated or disconnected from friends.
Feeling very isolated, with little to no supportive social interactions.

Regular leisure activities reduce stress and increase life satisfaction and happiness.

How much time do you typically spend?
For hobbies, interests, curiosity, special treats, etc.
Regularly engaging in enjoyable activities, with a good balance in life.
Sometimes too busy for leisure, but can find time for fun with effort.
Often too stressed or busy for leisure activities, feeling the absence of joy.
Rarely or never have time for activities that bring joy, leading to burnout or depression.




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We are a skeleton crew and could use your support!